Friday, June 27, 2008

Sea monkeys & breeding?

Hey, a couple of months ago I received one of those great little sea monkey kits. Anyway, I had a load of little ones and all of a sudden they all died off, apart from one. Anyway loads of time passed and then the tank burst back into life, and the one big one died and sat at the bottom of the tank for a while. So, where did all these new ones come from? And do sea monkeys die when they give birth?
When you start out with a mass of seamonkeys and then they die, its usually because they have died from a bacterial bloom that makes them sick and uses up most of the available oxygen, most likely from over feeding at the beginning.Different things can cause a sudden burst of life in the tank. extra oxygenation. more sunlight, extra warmth and toping up the evaporation with fresh water. This last one has happened many time with my sea monkeys/dragons.Sea-monkeys don't die when they give birth but if the one that died happens to be carrying some eggs when it dies it may release them and that's where your hatch comes from.

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